Our Story

The Center Candle Co. originated in 2022 but its roots are in 2020 at the peak of the COVID-19 global pandemic. As a new nursing student, working full time in finance, a mother and in the process of a breakup, I learned quickly that I needed to find peace and balance, ASAP! With so many stresses happening in my life and the life of the world I would come home from school overwhelmed and overworked. I realized that my only peace and calm came from soaking in my tub with candles burning, meditation music in my ears, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils in my water, and let's not forget the load of BUBBLES! (Don’t judge me). I would get into the tub tired, scared, burnt out, and get out feeling like a brand-new person! This helped me relieve my stress, regularly.

Over the next three years I researched mental health, therapy, emotional care, spiritual care, as well as holistic herbal remedies, more specifically essential oils. I remembered how calm I would feel as soon as I burned some of my favorite candles. I was disappointed in my research to learn that these same candles were full of toxins, and unnatural scents. I wanted to create something for myself, and others, that would be from the earth, and help us to find a place where we could channel our best energy to the earth.

Thus, we created The Center Candle Co, which is Therapy in a jar! Each essential oil is hand-picked based on its healing power! The combinations are specific to the affirmation and the energy that the oils tend to help create within our spirit. The candles are created for those choosing their season and not just allowing life to be life. They're made to help find peace, to help find balance, and most of all to help find their Center. The Center can represent many things for many people. The Center can be the Holy Spirit, your Chakra, or just your inner voice. Whatever it is to you, these candles were created to help you step away from life’s struggles and help you get recentered to who you know yourself to be - the part of you that is your best self. When we start from the center, and we stay connected to the center, we stay close to who we are…and there is no better place to be!

Keisha, Owner